Tuesday, January 20, 2009

president obama

so America has its first black president. i don't understand why it's such a big deal...he's just another man. i think he'll do a good job. anyway it can't get any worse can it? one thing that worried me was his talk of pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan, what will this result in? good thing is he realizes Americas problems, that's the first step.
i love how a lot of people were asleep during his speech (i counted 3) =)


Raul said...

Ya well i think its a big deal because hes making some big chances we all need

CHILOSA said...

well i hope that everything goes good with this new president but yea.

Anonymous said...

im not gonna lie, i might of been one of those people.

MCVeDepo said...

i agree with you. It seems lots of people were celebrating his color and not his presidency. But it is a cool event so let them have thier fun and lets see what happens

Brookelynn said...

Yeah I know there were alot of sleeping people out in the crowd!But I do think that it is a big deal to the US that a lot of people have overcome the obstacle of racism. Not all of us of course but many have!

meganPRIME said...

Haha I noticed alot of yawning too. I think its kind of a big deal, he is different but your right. He'll do good.

Noah E D said...

sorry but i do not agree with you...its a big deal cause just 38/40 years ago black people couldnt even go to some bars...go to schools, even drink out of water fountains...its is a big deal cause black people have came along way...


good job

meganPRIME said...
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Willi said...

This is a huge deal! I meen monday was martin luther king day then the very next day we have our first black president take the oath. It's insane. I love the change it should add some new factors to the united states that will help us through this economic crisis.

God's Not Dead, Just Society As We Know It! said...

I agree. I mean yes he's black. Aren't we trying to get away from the whole racial thing???