Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas in 8 Days

Im sooo excited. christmas is the best time of year! everyone is in such a good mood
i love getting gifts for everyone and christmas dinnner is amazing,

then about a month after christmas it is........MY BIRTHDAY!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

big bucks for "youtube"rs

that is insane! i want that job, wonder how you would start that. it would really suck if you quit your job and then made absolutely no money "hey mr. boss sir... im sorry lol"

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Failed tests

how said is it that government officials failed civics tests?!
i feel safe now that i know the government has no clue wat there doing....
its great ^_^

wheel chair backflip

that's insane! i cant even do a dang cart-wheel, but this guys in a wheel chair and he's doin BACKFLIPS!!!

good for him! (i m jealous ^_^)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

wal-mart worker killed

this is ridiculous! an innocent worker trampled to save a few bucks. people can be so greedy... its not like if they didn't storm in everything would be gone.
would it be that hard to walk through?! i hope they enjoy their extra $20 when a worker is dead because of their impatience.