Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas in 8 Days

Im sooo excited. christmas is the best time of year! everyone is in such a good mood
i love getting gifts for everyone and christmas dinnner is amazing,

then about a month after christmas it is........MY BIRTHDAY!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

big bucks for "youtube"rs

that is insane! i want that job, wonder how you would start that. it would really suck if you quit your job and then made absolutely no money "hey mr. boss sir... im sorry lol"

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Failed tests

how said is it that government officials failed civics tests?!
i feel safe now that i know the government has no clue wat there doing....
its great ^_^

wheel chair backflip

that's insane! i cant even do a dang cart-wheel, but this guys in a wheel chair and he's doin BACKFLIPS!!!

good for him! (i m jealous ^_^)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

wal-mart worker killed

this is ridiculous! an innocent worker trampled to save a few bucks. people can be so greedy... its not like if they didn't storm in everything would be gone.
would it be that hard to walk through?! i hope they enjoy their extra $20 when a worker is dead because of their impatience.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


i think myspace is a good thing but it shouldn't be used in schools. if you're cautious about it you can make new friends, learn more about your friends, and keep in touch with people who don't live near you. when my sister was in San Antonio i usually had to get on myspace to see how she was doing because she could only use her cell phone on weekends (the time I'm rarely at home).
it does help kids become familiar with technology but i don't think it should be permitted in schools because it will distract students from what they should be doing.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

co2 solutions

storing co2 in rocks? i don't think it ll work....i also think its dangerous. if those rocks break the co2 will be released in mass amounts. making the air around the rock toxic to humans and animals. there has got to be a better way to store co2 or prevent the emissions

Monday, November 17, 2008

futurisic lap tops

lap tops are becoming more advanced every year. i don't think lap tops will be replaced by hand helds. many people do not like the size of the black berry or iPhone. i personally would rather type a 5 page paper on the computer. i don't want to have to squint down trying to proof read a paper. i think computers/ lap tops will stick around for awhile (in America at least)

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I'm so happy its Thursday! these last 3 weeks lasted forever, its time for a 3 day weekend =)
this weekend I'm going to go to grand junction to go shopping! YAY!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

10 jobs

web designer in Sewell new jersey pays about 30,000 to 40,000 for a KEE action sports web page---------sounds like a good deal

graphic designer for Generation Technologies in Burlington Massachusetts will work on projects for the company's clients. requirements: Adobe, Flash Css Html---------wonder how much that pays

senior flash developer for Hill Holliday in Boston. job is maintaining web sites of the company's clients, mainly advertising sites.---------hmmm sounds cool but isn't that the clients job? to keep up with their web site...just saying

windows system administrator for NAL Worldwide in Addison IL, responsible for installing and maintaining servers, check hardware, perform upgrades, do other duties as directed (hmm)-----we...ll nothing about this job sounds fun especially the "do other duties as directed" i think it's a type-o it's supposed to say "will be directed to do other's duties" =)

information architect for inVentiv communications in Newtown Pennsylvania. center around documenting the structure, use case scenarios, flows and content placement within the interactive experiences and digital solutions. -------pretty much a pharmacists computer buddy

web cam developer in Redmond Washington for volt workforce solutions, its a company who finds jobs for company's they'll hook you up with the Software Giant who developes web cameras.-----that sounds interesting but how much does it pay?

audio/video codec support engineer in Seattle Washington actually be working for volt. maintenance and repair of the audio and video of the company only 12 month contract

technical illustrator for volt...again this one in fort Walton beach Florida. will conceptualize, research, create and coordinate a variety of technical illustrations in compliance with commercial, governmental and organizational standards and specifications 16.50 an hour----best city to work so far =)

computer lab instructor in Gaithersburg Maryland 30,000-40,000 yearly teach students to use programs-------hmmm doesn't sound too fun lol

computer networking-help desk in Tempe Arizona for Volt resources (again) help people with there computer problems---------volt needs a lot of computer peeps

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

fwd on elections

last night i got a forward on my phone that said "to prevent over crowded voting booths, the officials are asking all Barack Obama voters to vote on Wednesday. thank you for your support."

how many people will actually believe this? its funny but ridiculous! there have been several things like this going around its retarded!!! but hilarious

Monday, November 3, 2008

bored w/ normal bowling?

i went bowling the other night. after realizing i was going to get beat i decided to try other kinds of bowling. left-handed, eyes closed, football-hike, volleyball-slide, backwards, sitting, and spin. by far the most fun was the volleyball slide. its fun to do and even funner to watch (it rezembles a hard core trip.

forget the regular bowling, these are more fun!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


i love halloween! even though i dont dress up or trick or treat. for being the day of the dead everyone is in such a good mood around halloween lol kind of weird

Monday, October 27, 2008

red ribbon week

red ribbon week is important even if students just blow it off. i don't think students realize how many drugs are in their town. i don't know of any one who has a problem but that doesn't mean its not an issue here. i hope red ribbon week is more effective than it has previously been.

Friday, October 17, 2008


i think there should be no tax breaks to anyone. when u think about it, it's not fair. if every one pays a certain percent of their income. if the government stops giving tax breaks to the wealthy then lower class families will have lower taxes. so it all evens out.
random thought: why do presidential candidates always talk about tax breaks? isnt that congress's call to raise or lower taxes? just wondering.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Second best holiday ever!!! you can dress up however u want and u get free candy! i still dont know what im gonna do...last year i went to Scream-Boat. it was funny because a guy with a chain saw chased tyra, then she fell over a bush lol.

apple vs pc

i really dont know which is better. i dont think ive ever used an apple...unless you count the ones in elementary. im a dell fan soo....yeah

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

tigers vs. rattlers

so today volleyball is traveling to Baggs Wyoming, and JV orange has a score to settle w/ them. last time we lost in 3 games on our home court. its pay back time! its their parents' night. i think every one is pretty pumped up i know i am.

Plus we have to win....calla's got a bet with a baggs kid on it ;-)


Monday, October 13, 2008

dancing vs. administration

Many schools have a restraint on how students dance at school dances such as homecoming, snow coming and even prom. i think this is wrong! "grinding" is the main form of dance that is banned. when students grind we arent hurting anything or anyone. it's our way of dancing. there is really no other way to dance to the type of music that we listen to. there's no way to disco to "low"

if nothing is being effected by a harmless way of dancing then leave it alone. if it does get a little outta hand then its the chaperon's job to tell the two dancers to cool it down. END OF STORY!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

carnations for parents night

so tomorrow night is parents night for volleyball. usually we order carnations for everyone we want to have one....they normally cost bout 70 cents. this year they would cost $1.75 each!!!! i think it is so weird that orange carnations would cost 75 cents more than a rose! thats SOOO weird! so i guess we are all just ordering a single rose for each of our mothers

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

blocks on computers

i think there should not be such strict blocks on the internet. it hinders our education, research in particular. last year i was in speech and i had to do a speech on under age drinking. i couldnt find any information that included the word alcohol. it was ridiculous! than later that year in health class i needed pictures of meth users and labs for a power point. every site was blocked! i had no information what so ever.
im not saying get rid of the blocks entirely but just block things that are definitely unneeded for school like how to make bombs or porn. leave other sites open to the students for education.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Imagination and knowledge

albert einstein once said "imagination is more important than knowledge" i believe this quote is correct because knowledge can be found somewhere in the world. and knowledge is limited no one knows everthing in the world, but imagination is limitless. your imagination is your own... evreyone has there own ideas that are unique to the individual person

Monday, October 6, 2008


hey welcome to my blog! im kt
we had to make this blog for web design class so there will be a new blog like evry day! feel free to comment on them =)